Let’s find out about kumestrol, an anti-aging substance found in beans!


< Understanding Nutrients > Let's learn about coumestrol, an anti-aging compound found in soybeans! What is coumestrol? Overview of coumestrol: 1. Definition: Coumestrol is a naturally occurring plant estrogen belonging to the coumestan group of compounds. Plant estrogens are compounds derived from plants that can mimic or regulate the activity of estrogen in the body. 2. Dietary sources: Coumestrol is found in various plant-based foods, particularly certain legumes and vegetables. Some common dietary sources include clover, alfalfa sprouts, soybeans, and lima beans. 3. Plant estrogen activity: Coumestrol exhibits plant estrogen activity, meaning it can interact with the body's estrogen receptors. This interaction has been associated with various health benefits.

Source:콩에서 발견한 안티에이징 물질인 쿠메스트롤에 대하여 알아보자! | 구리곰의 만수무강


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