Chae Jeong-an, a 4-year veteran in ballet, shows a surprising talent with a casual master lookbook [전참시] – Star NEW

Original: '원조 테크노 요정' 채정안이 '전참시'에서 반전 매력을 뽐낸다. 6일 방송되는 MBC 예능 프로그램 '전지적 참견 시점'(기획 강영선 / 연출 김윤집, 전재욱, 이경순, 정동식 / 작가 여현전 / 이하 '전참시') 293회에서는 채정안이 다채로운 일상으로 유쾌한 볼거리를 선사한다. 이날 방송에서는 발레 경력 4년차 채정안의 발레 실력이 공개된다. 스튜디오에 ...Translation: In the upcoming episode 293 of MBC's entertainment program "Judgment-Proof" (planned by HAN Youngsun / directed by Kim YOONjib, Jeon Jaewook, Lee Kyung
Source:채정안, 발레 경력 4년차 반전 실력..사복 장인 룩북까지[전참시] - 스타뉴스 | 스타뉴스

What unexpected daily look did blogger SHIN MIN-A reveal?

KARINA and Moon Ga-young’s new hairstyle makes their faces look smaller.

The secret behind Chungha’s dramatically changed makeup: beauty Instagram in the fourth week of February.

There is no pink under the sky that is the same! The pink hair of girl group members.

‘Human Dolce & Gabbana Beauty’, the beauty of actress Moon Ga-young – STAR

The 2025 limited edition ‘Gamdasal’ beauty items are so beautiful, aren’t they?
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There is no pink under the sky that is the same! The pink hair of girl group members.
The secret behind Chungha’s dramatically changed makeup: beauty Instagram in the fourth week of February.
KARINA and Moon Ga-young’s new hairstyle makes their faces look smaller.
What unexpected daily look did blogger SHIN MIN-A reveal?
‘Human Dolce & Gabbana Beauty’, the beauty of actress Moon Ga-young – STAR
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